Group tours are a super fun, great way to meet people, learn more from an informed guide, go to places you normally can’t, and wet your feet in travel. Today’s tours are eco-friendly, cater to all travel styles, budgets, destinations, and make a point to use local transportation and guides. Is the tour geared toward older couples? Young people? Families? You don’t want to end up on a loud tour full of drunk twenty-year-olds when all you want is a quiet holiday. There’s a tour company for everyone — and most tour companies list their guest demographics on their “About” page. Make sure you get a schedule of all the activities and pick a tour that is balanced with organized activities and free time. Tour companies that have smaller groups tend to be much more mindful of the environment, and the impact they are leaving. It’s a lot easier to meet people in a group of 12 than it is in a group of 60. Here is just a few of the amazing tour companies we partner with:

  • Trafalgar Tours
  • G Adventures
  • Globus
  • Monograms
  • Backroads
  • Gate1 Travel
  • Kensington Tours
  • CIE Tours
  • Collette
  • Tauck
  • Abercrombie & Kent
  • Memorable Costa Rica
  • Isram Israel Tours